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The Resurgence of Patriarchy: A Modern Rebirth or a Dangerous Regression?

Writer's picture: amandamcgregoramandamcgregor

Updated: Jan 27

I am exploring some painful experiences, memories and triggers to do with patriarchy:

The decline of patriarchy signifies a profound societal transformation, a powerful awakening and rebirth that paves the way for the flourishing of life, sustaining resources and the prosperity they bring. We are gaining insights into the origins and the constraints patriarchy has imposed on us. The industrial revolution accelerated its rise, disconnecting humanity from its roots, source and essential resources. Despite this, the historical patterns of control and dominance persist in the workforce, hindering both men and women from reaching their full potential and constraining all of us. This ingrained programming affects all genders and continues to manifest in power dynamics within people and industries shaped by its historical development.

The mechanical hybrid life that sustained industry and control will eventually, no longer hold power over humanity as consciousness grows and we return to Source. Men are looking for stronger relationships with Source, through themselves, women and through healthy environments that provide resources for flourishment, we are seeing a bi-polar response to the disconnect, that will ultimately find its peace.

Being cut off from the supply, the energy that enables life to thrive, eventually creates death and in the present, triggers memories of death and trauma in our subconscious from acute control, in many of us. The shift will enable a new kind of freedom; a freedom of spirit, where nurture replaces dominance, and the deep, healthy ways of living that patriarchy tried to suppress and limit, imprison and kill, will begin to flourish once more.

Understanding the industrial revolution experienced in the 1707 to1830’s helps us to see the roots of concerns, as although the power imbalance existed before this time, there was a need for a work force on mass, due to engineering and technology accelerating. This fast growth meant pressure was put on the population in a way of crowd control, policing people in to education, science and medicine. The way of managing the ‘work force’ was the beginning of asserting economic value over the way people were designed. There were many people that were trained in crowd control in education, science and medicine. Dictating processes and learning to enable industry to prosper, using people in the projection of an organisations 'agenda'. In the present time, we now see complications in the way people perform, especially with distortion to their primary survival needs and how they relate to these kinds of authority. This complex behaviour is becoming more extreme; through the interference people are experiencing, in their direct relationship with healthy water, food, home and care. The natural water supplies are becoming toxic due to outdated sewage and liquids used in farming systems, the food is engineered for mass consumption, through genetics and farming, people are not being able to secure a home unless they become fully commercialised in a capitalistic world. People are loosing a sense of personal identity feeling cut off from themselves, trapped and robotic. The attribute of caring for a persons fundamental survival needs and making sure they are provided for emotionally, physically and through a deep nurture is becoming a new safe guarding goal. Safe guarding traditionally is about providing a super safe space for people to grow with industry and economics in mind, expeically in safe home, gaining education, in education and then being designed to stay in work, however this premise can over look a persons nurturing, their calling, their design and their functionality in a world full of diversity and complexity. We are on the edge of radical change in which a person has a right to be fully human and will stand up to that.

Recently, I went to an interview, I was taken a back with the statements, ‘It is our policy to not value previous experience’. Being a mid-career professional, I was shocked by the restrictive measures that they had planned to impose on me, essentially disregarding my twenty years of work experience with a single statement, then moving through a complete change in job role, they then bought in new ideals, without a serious understanding of developed values, experience or negotiation rights. I have noticed other complications in the experiencing of power dynamics in some industries, through demands to create withdrawal, distance to avoidance and the creation of a pursuer, they are still really present even in industries based on learning and medicine. Have you ever found yourself feeling projected fear or shame in the way someone talks to you at work?

When experiencing manipulative and undermining strategies in the work place, they may have been born out of industry. If you feel like a robot listening to someone working through question in boxes, or questions that are repetitive that you have been asked time and time again, it maybe processes born out of industrialisation.

Is your unique imprint on the world being valued and seen or are you simply being expected to fill a role that demands you to behave in a way that is stream lined to process, fitting in a box, some one else's agenda, without much of a voice?

In this new world, the sting of control no longer defines us, we will have the power to restrict it, to strip it, of the unfairness. We see it in the car parking lots, in the fining on the roads, the legal systems, in mortgages and loan agreements, in divorces, in changes to our job description, in the way a person asserts authority.

Instead, we will protect the flow of life, fluidity, in which deep nurture is the foundation, allowing us to live in expansive states, with authentic relationships and an access to the life force that brings harmony and respects our personal growth, primary needs and is aligned with our true nature, in which we respect that we must remain connected to the Source of energy that sustains us all, the new safeguarding goal is to allow this deep nurturing relationship to provide containment and to sustain us fully. The death of patriarchy marks the return of a humanity unbound by fear or alien constructs; foreign senses of performance that demand authority over us, through expectations that are not real to the nature of living an expansive human life or high functioning intelligence. We will take back our rights to thrive in freedom and spirit. It is up to both men and women to fight for this freedom, to enable the connection to source to re-ignite, to enable the mystical and sublime qualities of life and our relationship to ourselves, to be primary to the support we need in human life, giving energy, inspiration and enabling development to provide roots that dig deep in to the soil and replenish the earth in trust.

We have to make better choices to stay connected to healthy experiences, locations and people when choosing our roles and community, in finding ways to better our positions. We have to understand power dynamics and authority through experiencing the authentic voice of our innate wisdom.

The triggers that arise from patriarchal daily stings, cause the higher consciousness to go in to trauma, I realised with the help of Dr. Anne Whitehouse that I was constantly remembering past lives, whenever I had an 'unfair' sense of 'patriarchy'. This was stopping me from trusting, being in the public eye and created a polarity around finance and connection to source, flip flopping in a pivotal way. The trauma runs deep in both men and women, our 'oversouls' are programmed to remember the historical depth of pain; going deeper into the internal conflicts, this is just one of the many memories I recall:

The Slaughtering of My Mind

Started years ago in Ancient times,

The people came

They stood by,

Watched me

As I stood on a platform, ready to die.

A thick course rope around my neck

I noticed their shame,

My head hung low,

I had helped so many of them.

The little girl, after her birth

Her neck was entangled on the umbilical cord;

She was there, now six, hiding behind her mother's skirts

Her mother looked upon me,

The girl clung to her thick wool skirt.

This community I was devoted to

Every one of them in the crowd,

Accept for a couple of men

That one man:

He had caused the infection,

the disease of man;

Had spread his word fully,

He had poisoned their thoughts

Bought doubt to their voices.

He stood there;

Determined to put an end to my vocation.

He stood strong, the only one to stand strong;

As I stood on the platform

I watched him, like a chess piece in front of me.

We were in check mate

And I was loosing

As he had won his plot.

The hang man stood beside me

My fate awaited;

I noticed the trap door below me

They were about to release me.

The sun was in the sky, but hiding

Behind the clouds.

I felt a deep, resistance to my fate,

For here I was about to be Sacrificed

For a couple of men,

When the community was large.

Yet, their voices were silenced

The shame moved through them.

They loved me,

Their hearts were with me.

I decided that I needed the anaesthesia of their love,

As I stood there.

To soak up the love from all of them,

the multiple generations;

The grandmothers , the mothers, the children.

The men stood still;

They knew,

They had seen me,

Had witnessed me.

Their voices echoing as a memory in my mind,

I had helped them with so of their businesses, their relationships,

I was totally entwined within their community.

Realising my strength was like that of a light,

Like a mist that was over the land,

That allowed a sense of nurture;

Like the moisture in the morning dew,

You can feel it sit amongst the petals

As it seeps in to the stem,

Giving the plant that last drop of energy,

Before the day unfolds.

The water brings life force;

I knew I was just a chess piece in their game.

The time came, before I had finished my thinking,

Before I had finished my meditation on the moment;

The hang man came before me and pulled the door from under feet.

In some ways it was fast, in some ways slow;

I felt the tight knot around my neck

Pull me, pull on me, tighten the grip around,

The choking.

Nobody saved me,

I was left there hanging

I left my body

And felt the tears,

Especially my dear friends,

My best friends, who stood by me,

I felt the moisture on their cheeks and their regret,

Their pain,

Their viscous pain;

As their hearts peeled back in rawness;

Because we were the life and soul of each other’s hearts,

To get through life, to get through this disaster.

With no restriction and no restraint,

I held my friends, their hearts in so much pain.

I was dead, but my soul lived on,

I could feel the love between us,

The anaesthesia,

We knew we would live again.

I had to take this story and this message to God

I had to leave, I had to find my peace,

I had to leave this world behind,

I could not stand up to the derelict faces and voices of these men

That wanted to bring me down again and again

Their coercive behaviour, their want to kill, their need to get rid.

It fired up my faces and my rights of allowing my voice, my love,

my nurturing growth energy to restore the community;

To it’s place of love.

I was fighting a loosing battle

Their bullying outstanding.

I surrendered to God

I made my commitment through love

I tried, I was tried, I lost.

And yet I still I survive,

I am the life force,

Everlasting and I live on

I have a voice, I know the truth,

I know what they did to me,

And I never forget

But God is with me:

I will carry on,

whether it be life or death,

I live through,

I remain a soul everlasting. by Amanda McGregor

Women of Heart

I am woman, I see things clearly

With a foresight of life

In which I can move around horizons

I am an elixir to life.

Physical and mindful practices that help people nurture there innate wisdam and remain connected to Source.
The Tree of Life, with Kabblah system embedded on to create Source.

Yet, the energies around me

Dominate to bring regret.

Seeking to diminish me

Without experiencing magic,

Or arising to my chalice

Or resounding to a caveat.

This patriarchal arrogance,

Has been fed through centuries

Of neglect,

The science herewith speaks it’s odyssey

For the reset is matched with the leadership of love,

Clearly allowing an

Emergence with our attributes.

The vision beyond the matrix,

Is one of great Philosophy

In which we are all leaders

Weaving a network of catalysts

To knit our lands in union

To enable Christ in communion

To insure a natural evolution

of trusted values and scientific value,

In which we see the best of our nature,

Instilled in the planet,

Growing with nature

Restoring life,

Living with the illuminations,

Us, and our beautiful Earth. By Amanda McGregor

Have you felt this disconnection from Source in your own life? How have you navigated the patriarchal systems in work, life, or creativity? Do you think it maybe helpful to explore things more deeply?

The time has come for us to stand against this rising tide. By re-establishing our connection to source and our resources, we reclaim the energy that sustains not just us, but the world we inhabit. Through nurturing, care and love we can rebuild, enabling us to push back against systems designed to suffocate our true nature and healthy ecological survival, find your inner Sourcerer or Sorceress.

The image is in oils, demonstrating the Sephirot values in the Kabbalah system to remain connected to our energy centres and source.
The Tree of Life by Amanda McGregor
The killing and limit of women is still carried as a trauma by both men and women, the industrial revolution creates and overriding architecture to its limits. Image by Amanda Mcgregor
Child hung during the witch trials, from series of art works, 'In Memory of the Sensitives', 1600's by Amanda Mcgregor

There are definitions to terms in further writing below.

I suggest research key word topics, to make informed choices -

  • A NEW VISION-Beyond Patriarchy

  • The Industrial Revolution in Education, Medicine, Science 1707-1830’s

  • Understand Complex Power Dynamics

  • Primary Survival Needs and Behaviour Science

  • Dr Anne Whitehouse, The Gateway Mystery School, author and website

  • Carmela Garcia Manas - Power dynamics in childhood: Understanding resource possession and social influence, YouTube podcast.

  • Legal Help - Anti Slavery Law

References to Terms

Explaining Source:
 Source is this universal energy, this light that connects all living things. It’s what fuels creativity, intelligence, and consciousness. In many ways, it’s where true genius comes from. But for centuries, men have been cut women off from this source—through limiting education, persecution, social roles, and access to power. As a result, the feminine connection to this flow of energy has been suppressed, leaving us disconnected from our deeper potentials. Those that have nurtured their connection to Source often find themselves excluded, or severely undermined for not fitting people management protocol.

How Creatives Struggle in This System:
In a world where financial value is tied to material production, creative people—especially those with a deep philosophical approach—struggle to thrive. Industry doesn’t know how to handle the abstract, the emotional, or the intellectual. This is why artists, thinkers, and visionaries often find themselves at odds with mainstream culture; the industrial model doesn’t value their contributions in a way that translates easily into financial security. It’s not that their work isn’t important—it’s that the system is designed to overlook what can’t be mass-produced.

How Industrial Thinking Threatens Our Basic Survival:
The patriarchy's obsession with control and industrialisation doesn’t just affect creativity—it also threatens our survival. Our relationship with food, water, air, and shelter is being distorted. The profit-driven systems pollute our air, commodify our water, and destroy sustainable methods of farming. They strip away our ability to have a healthy, direct relationship with the very things we need to live. This is more than just an environmental crisis—it’s a crisis of human disconnection.

Introducing Artists Who Get It:
There are artists who speak to these ideas, who use their work to push back against this system. People like Frida Kahlo, who explored identity, pain, and the feminine struggle in a patriarchal world. Or Salvador Dalí, whose surrealism often challenged societal norms and delved into mystical, abstract realms that couldn’t be controlled by industry or logic. We can look to eco-feminist artists, who are confronting the environmental destruction caused by patriarchal industrialisation and are calling for a return to a more connected, nurturing relationship with the earth and each other.

As an artist it is possible to create series of art works that duplicate and suit industry alongside works that are more serious in their anchor with a narrative on life. However, it is a complex strategy and takes a lot of support to expand in so many ways. People that fully understand these concepts need to form a leadership position, visibility and reach out to create support networks; our survival as a race depends on safeguarding our primary survival needs and these aspirations.

Legal Help for Sensitives and those with Vision -

The repeal of the Witchcraft Act of 1735 through the Fraudulent Mediums Act of 1951, known informally as the "Churchill law," was a turning point for visionary, sensitive, and holistic individuals. While the original Witchcraft Act criminalised the practice of witchcraft as fraud, the 1951 Act shifted focus, criminalising only fraudulent claims of psychic or spiritual powers made for monetary gain. This change allowed genuine practitioners of spiritual, psychic, and holistic practices to operate without fear of persecution, provided their work was honest and sincere.

Ways This Law Can Help Visionaries and Holistic Practitioners Today:

  1. Legal Protection for Honest PracticesThe repeal of the Witchcraft Act and its replacement with the Fraudulent Mediums Act removed the criminality of genuine spiritual and holistic practices. This historical shift legitimised the ability of sensitives, witches, and visionaries to share their gifts without risking accusations of fraud, provided they practice transparently.

  2. Foundation for AdvocacyThis law laid the groundwork for contemporary advocacy for rights related to spiritual and holistic practices. It highlights the importance of distinguishing between fraud and sincere belief systems, enabling modern practitioners to demand respect for their work.

  3. Promoting Awareness and AcceptanceThe law's historical significance demonstrates a broader cultural shift toward recognizing alternative worldviews and practices. This legacy can be used to foster awareness, combat stigma, and highlight the value of such practices in mental health, creativity, and spiritual growth today.

  4. Encouragement for Regulation and Professionalism By creating space for genuine practitioners, the repeal encouraged the professionalisation of holistic practices. Today, many visionaries and sensitives seek accreditation, ethical guidelines, and associations to support the legitimacy of their work. Regulation bodies such as the Complementary Medical Association give understanding and support honest practice.

  5. Cultural and Historical ValidationThe repeal reflects society's evolving understanding of spirituality and mysticism as legitimate aspects of human experience. Practitioners can draw upon this history to frame their work within a larger context of human rights and cultural evolution.

  6. Opportunities for Modern Legal Advocacy Understanding this legal milestone can inspire modern practitioners to advocate for further protections and recognition. For example, lobbying for greater legal acknowledgment of spiritual or intuitive practices within healthcare or education sectors.

Practical Steps for Visionaries and Practitioners:

  • Know Your Rights: Familiarise yourself with local and national laws regarding spiritual practices to ensure you operate within legal boundaries.

  • Promote Transparency: Clearly communicate the nature of your services and avoid ambiguous claims that could be misconstrued as fraudulent.

  • Educate Others: Use the historical context of the 1951 repeal to educate your community about the legitimacy and importance of spiritual practices.

  • Engage in Professional Development: Join holistic or spiritual practitioner associations that provide support, resources, and credibility.

By embracing the freedoms enabled by the repeal of the Witchcraft Act, modern practitioners can confidently integrate their work into broader societal frameworks, promoting both individual and collective growth.

A New Vision 👇

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